1. Our company's safety policy for accident prevention
OK GO GO BUS Mitsuru Co., Ltd. firmly recognizes the safety of transportation as the company's mission of automobile transport operators, and makes sure that all employees fully understand that securing transportation safety is the most important, safety management system Establish a safety policy in order to maintain and continuously improve the
No accidents · no violations · guidance by cram · eradication of drunk driving!
2. Specific plan to achieve the goal
● Hiyari hat experience from the crew, collecting information, analyze and work on accident prevention!
● Strict adherence to driving time and rest time Overwork driving elimination!
● Drunken driving eradication by alcohol check at the start of work, end call.
3. How to communicate to the company
In order to make the basic policy known to all employees, post it in the office and in the crew rest room and make it known.
4. How to exchange information on safety
実 施 Conduct an exchange of views between the employer, the driver and other employees.
実 施 Conduct “safety meetings” regularly by business operators, safety general managers and general operation managers.
5. Target based on safety policy
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